About Us

My name is Sylwia. I live and work in London. I have Lyme disease & associated coinfections.
I spent years in agony due to a lack of doctors diagnose and treatments and have now also become aware that many individuals suffer in silence too, and have no idea how to escape their suffering.
I was looking for a single point of contact who could advise me what is available on the market, rather than spending countless hours searching the internet for piecemeal advice. Additionally I was also looking for someone who could explain the problem quickly and accurately. Nobody was out there…. and nothing has changed.
That`s why this kind of platform had to show up. So, here it is FIRST INFORMATION POINT with ALL ABOUT LYME.
I provide only guidance and references validated by me personally. I only speak about specialists who treated me and other people with success. I would like to stress the following: I do not do paid promotion. I do not sell products.
I am a person who lives in London for over 20 years, who has extensive knowledge and my own long-term experience in that field, using achievements Polish, German, Russian and Ukrainian doctors met by me as a patient and journalist. I was speechless watching their stunning results working also with old reliable solutions forgotten by modern Western world. All that KNOWLEDGE is our COMMON HERITAGE, should be saved FOR US and NEXT GENERATIONS.
I am not a doctor. I simply recommend working closely with medical staff to combine patients experience and a doctor`s knowledge. Always ask your GP for advice or a second opinion if you have any doubts. My aim is to spread awareness among patients as well as doctors because Lyme disease is still relatively poorly understood amongst both these groups.
My mission is to enhance understanding of Lyme disease among both patients and medical practitioners, as awareness remains limited in these communities. The cost of attending one of my sessions is scaled based on participant numbers—the more attendees, the lower the cost per person. For organizing sessions for larger groups, please reach out through: healthymeetings@yahoo.com.

In Poland 502 116 532
In the United Kingdom 077 0903 46 36